My thoughtful ramblings about Ember.js, Nuxt.js, JavaScript, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

All of my long-form thoughts on web development, podcasting, life experiences, and more, collected in chronological order.

Top 5 Web Developer Tools for 2025

What are the best tools for web developers in 2025? I did a post on this a couple years ago laying out my top developer tools for 2023, and I wanted to circle back and give a couple updates. Honestly, not a lot has changed since then, but enough has that I...

Animating SVG Gradient Background Colors With CSS Custom Properties

Changing SVG colors is easy right? I certainly thought it should be and in the past it has not been too difficult, with things like changing the stroke or fill of the SVG on hover, but what about when we want to hover a solid colored SVG icon and have it change to a gradient? This proved to be much more difficult...

5 HTML Elements That Make JavaScript Libraries Obsolete!

Do we even need JavaScript anymore? Of course we do, but maybe not as often as you would think! With the slew of hot new HTML functionality, I am increasingly finding that native HTML elements do many of the same things I used to reach for JavaScript libraries for. Come with me on this journey and we'll explore my top...

Top 5 Web Developer Tools for 2023

When was the last time you updated your web development tools? I don't know about you, but when I find tools I like to use for web development, I tend to stick with them for many, many years. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but in the past year or two a...

Top 5 JavaScript Podcasts for 2023

Which JavaScript podcasts are the hottest? Although podcasts are not a new thing, they have exploded in popularity over the last several years. Likewise, JavaScript is also not new, but has continued to grow exponentially and is used in all sorts of ways...